Make abooking

We are delighted that you would like to book your photography with us!

As part of securing your booking, please fill this form as best you can at this stage.Please note that this form is web-based and does not autosave. We recommend that you complete it in one sitting so that your time and efforts are all submitted easily!

Select your photography package



Pre/post wedding

Couples shoot



Contact details & overview

Your partners details:

Wedding day details


Please fill out as best you can. If you don't have all of the information yet, not to worry, we can add the information to your file closer to your wedding date.

Terms & Conditions

You can view and download our terms and conditions, along with the New Zealand Institute of Professional Photography Inc. Standard Terms here:

We recommend you save a copy for your reference. These terms and conditions form part of your booking contract.

Please contact us at should you have any questions.

E-Signature Agreement

By entering your full name below, you are providing your e-signature, indicating that all the information on this form is true and accurate, to the best of your knowledge.

Pre/post wedding BOOKING FORM

Pre / Post Wedding

Contact details & overview

Partners details

Shoot details


Please fill out as best you can. If you don't have all of the information yet, not to worry, we can add the information to your file closer to your shoot day.

Terms & Conditions

You can view and download our terms and conditions, along with the New Zealand Institute of Professional Photography Inc. Standard Terms here:

We recommend you save a copy for your reference. These terms and conditions form part of your booking contract.

Please contact us at should you have any questions.

E-Signature Agreement

By entering your full name below, you are providing your e-signature, indicating that all the information on this form is true and accurate, to the best of your knowledge.



Contact details & overview

Shoot details


Please fill out as best you can. If you don't have all of the information yet, not to worry, we can add the information to your file closer to your shoot day.

Terms & Conditions

You can view and download our terms and conditions, along with the New Zealand Institute of Professional Photography Inc. Standard Terms here:

We recommend you save a copy for your reference. These terms and conditions form part of your booking contract.

Please contact us at should you have any questions.

E-Signature Agreement

By entering your full name below, you are providing your e-signature, indicating that all the information on this form is true and accurate, to the best of your knowledge.

Couples shoot BOOKING FORM

Couples shoot

Contact details & overview

Partners details

Shoot details


Please fill out as best you can. If you don't have all of the information yet, not to worry, we can add the information to your file closer to your shoot day.

Terms & Conditions

You can view and download our terms and conditions, along with the New Zealand Institute of Professional Photography Inc. Standard Terms here:

We recommend you save a copy for your reference. These terms and conditions form part of your booking contract.

Please contact us at should you have any questions.

E-Signature Agreement

By entering your full name below, you are providing your e-signature, indicating that all the information on this form is true and accurate, to the best of your knowledge.

The art of visual storytelling